Install rent4event as an app
With as an app, you can install our rental equipment directly into your pocket, so to speak. By clicking on the rent4event app icon you can open our online offer immediately - without having to start the browser, google us or search for saved bookmarks.
rent4event as an app – the advantages
A WebApp is a kind of hybrid between a native app and a website. Internally, a web app still runs in the browser, but it appears more native and, as already mentioned, can be started directly. And not just on the smartphone. You can also reach us directly on your desktop computer. This means you have immediate access to our service even in time-critical situations.
You will find our logo icon on your smartphone – indistinguishable from a native app. On your desktop computer you can then click on our site as a desktop icon just like regular software or add it to your taskbar. Good service couldn't be quicker to reach! Try it.
How to install the rent4event app
Not every browser offers this feature. Chrome, Safari (also for iOS), Edge, Firefox (also for Android) and Opera should definitely be included in the latest version. Sometimes the browser recognizes a suitable website on its own and asks the user on its own. Or search in your browser's "Share" menu. Browsers based on Chrome also support the button below, the rest is self-explanatory. If you have any questions about this feature, you can of course contact us at any time.